Tyler Ross
March 25th, 2005
The Heavenly Man
(The Heavenly Man, Liu Zhenying and Paul Hattaway, 2002, 351 pages.)
Ever been hurt for your beliefs? Assailed, perhaps not with stones or rocks, but even unkind words and barrages against your faith? Brother Yun knows all too well what it feels like. Acquainted with not only emotional pain and contempt, but also the most brutal and in-humane tortures known to mankind, Brother Yun, with all due respect, should not rationally be alive today. Though Yun is an amazing person with a mind-blowing history of ministry, he remains a simple man serving his Lord in one of toughest places to do so. Communist China.
Following our Lord fervently since the age of 16, Liu Zhenying, or “Brother Yun”, utilized what little materials he had, if any, to bring great numbers of people to Christ. In a time where anyone found with one of the few bibles in all of China would be publicly beaten and humiliated, Brother Yun cried out to the Lord, prayed, and fasted on only a bowl of rice a day, for one hundred days, all to gaze upon God’s Holy word. Miraculously, Brother Yun received his precious bible and immediately memorized entire chapters at a time. He then devoted all his time to the Lord and preached to entire congregations at secret home churches, simply reciting Bible passages from Memory. Moved by the great spirit of the Lord, his on-lookers fell to their knees and hundreds were brought to Christ.
But the gift that Brother Yun shared freely didn’t come without cost to him. Eventually the “Public Security Bureau” discovered the clandestine Church services which had been underway, and, at the age of 17, Brother Yun was, for the first time, arrested for preaching the Gospel. In the years too follow, Yun would be beaten a countless number of times, and followed constantly by the Public Security Bureau. ‘Though he had electric prods stuck inside his mouth, was kicked on the ground for hours at a time with steel toed boots, and was even used as a dummy for martial arts training when he was incarcerated, Brother Yun replied, “The more pressure there was, the more fire and love there was to preach the gospel.” Brother Yun persevered through severe tribulation for several years and continued to preach the Gospel and grow in faith.
Perhaps the most astounding of his achievements was Brother Yun’s time in prison. Far too many beatings to recount, and some of the most intense torture techniques of the time, such as having needles shoved under a victim’s fingernails, were conducted on Brother Yun. Despite all this he would never betray a fellow brother nor deny his blessed faith. Through some miraculous work of God, Brother Yun under-went a complete (and physically impossible) 72 day fast, eating absolutely no water or food while in prison. After being beaten and molested by mobs of prisoners, urinated on, and beaten repeatedly, he even led several prisoners and prison guards to Christ, and started a revival within the very prison gates. After several impossible prison escapes that could never have taken place without some heavenly intervention, such as jumping clear over a ten foot wall, the guards severely beat and broke his legs, too the point at which he was told he would never walk again. Brother Yun then proceeded to walk, un-contested, out of a maximum security through the front gate. This alone is a testament to God’s incredible and unstoppable power.
As stated in the Bible, it is every Christian’s goal to further their walk with the Lord, and become more like our Savior with every waking moment. Though all humans have their faults, and Brother Yun was no exception, he followed Christ through the valley of the shadow of death, and showed commitment and resolve that most Christians simply dream of. Yun notes how corrupt, and enveloped in materialism the churches of the West have become, but, living in China, this was not a big lure for him, and he dedicated his entire being to becoming like his Savior. As Christ-like as they come, Brother Yun is a worthy example to Christians around the World, and an inspiration to anyone who wishes to fight for their beliefs.
Ever been hurt for your beliefs? After reading Brother Yun’s inspiring story, I believe some of us don’t mind and may actually look forward to standing up for our Salvation. ‘Though we may never face such persecution as Brother Yun was forced to endure, there are always trial and tribulations within our own life, testing our walk with God. This incredible book gives us all a renewed look at the power and ability of God, and we must remember that no matter how big or small our trials are, with God on our side, we will never fail in furthering his kingdom.
Tyler Ross
25 março de 2005
O Homem Celestial
(O Homem Celestial, Liu Zhenying e Paul Hattaway, 2002, 351 páginas.)
Já foi ferido por sua fé? Assaltado, não com pedras ou rochas, mas as palavras ainda ofensivas e restrições contra a sua fé? Irmão Yun sabe muito bem o que isso quer dizer. Conhece não só a dor emocional e o desprezo, mas também o mais brutal e em torturas humano conhecidas pela humanidade, o irmão Yun, com o devido respeito, não deveria estar racionalmente vivo hoje. Embora Yun seja uma pessoa incrível, com uma história alucinante de seu ministério, ele continua sendo um homem simples que serve ao seu Senhor nos lugares mais difíceis para fazer isso, a China comunista.
Seguindo o Senhor com fervor desde os 16 anos de idade, Liu Zhenying, ou "Irmão Yun", utilizando os poucos recursos materiais que tinha, mobilizou-se, para trazer um grande número de pessoas a Cristo.
Em um tempo onde qualquer pessoa encontrada com uma das poucos bíblias em toda a China seria espancado e humilhado publicamente, o irmão Yun clamou ao Senhor, orou, e jejuou usando apenas uma tigela de arroz por dia, durante cem dias, tudo para contemplar Santa Palavra de Deus. Milagrosamente, o irmão Yun recebeu sua preciosa Bíblia e imediatamente passou a memorizar capítulos inteiros de cada vez. Ele então dedicou todo seu tempo ao Senhor e pregando a congregações inteiras em igrejas domésticas secretas, simplesmente recitava passagens da Bíblia a partir de sua memória.
Movido pelo Espírito do Senhor, seus expectadores caíram de joelhos e centenas foram conduzidos a Cristo.
Mas o dom gratuito que o irmão Yun compartilha livremente não veio sem custo para ele. Eventualmente, o "Secretaria de Segurança Pública" descobriu os serviços da Igreja clandestina que estava em curso, e, na idade de 17, o irmão Yun foi, pela primeira vez, preso por pregar o Evangelho.
Nos anos seguintes também, Yun seria espancado um número incontável de vezes, e seguido constantemente pela Secretaria de Segurança Pública. "Embora ele tivesse aguilhões eléctricos preso dentro de sua boca, foi chutado no chão por horas com botas de aço, e foi até usado como um boneco para treinamento de artes marciais, quando ele foi preso. O irmão Yun respondeu:" Quanto mais pressão havia, mais fogo e amor eu tinha para pregar o evangelho. "Irmão Yun perseverou através de grave tribulação por vários anos e continuou a pregar o Evangelho e crescer na fé.
Talvez a mais surpreendente de suas conquistas foi a época do irmão Yun estar na prisão. Muitos espancamentos para contar e algumas das técnicas de tortura mais intensa do tempo, como ter empurrado agulhas sob as unhas da vítima, foram conduzidos sobre o irmão Yun.
Apesar de tudo isso ele nunca trairia um irmão companheiro nem negou sua fé abençoada. Através de um trabalho milagroso de Deus, o irmão Yun fez um completo (e fisicamente impossível) dias de jejum de 72 dias sem beber absolutamente nenhuma água ou comida na prisão. Depois de ser espancado e molestado por prisioneiros, urinou várias vezes, e depois disso levou vários prisioneiros e guardas da prisão a Cristo, e começou um reavivamento dentro dos portões da prisão.
Depois de várias fugas impossíveis da prisão, que nunca poderia ter ocorrido sem uma intervenção celestial, como saltar de uma parede de uns 2,5 metros, os guardas espancaram e quebrou as pernas, também o ponto em que lhe foi dito que ele nunca voltaria a andar.
Irmão Yun, em seguida, começou a andar, não-impugnada, a partir de uma segurança máxima pela porta da frente. Isso por si só é um testamento ao poder incrível e incomparável de Deus.
Como dito na Bíblia, é objetivo de cada cristão continuar a sua caminhada com o Senhor, e tornar-se mais como nosso Salvador a cada momento e vigiar. Apesar de todos os seres humanos têm seus defeitos, e o irmão Yun não é uma exceção, ele seguiu a Cristo através do vale da sombra da morte, e mostrou empenho e determinação em que a maioria dos cristãos simplesmente nem sonham.
Yun nota quão corrompidas e envolvidas no materialismo as igrejas do Ocidente tornaram-se, m
as, vivendo na China, esta não era uma grande atração para ele, e ele dedicou todo o seu ser para se tornar como o seu Salvador. Como semelhante à Cristo como eles vêm, o irmão Yun é um exemplo digno dos cristãos ao redor do mundo, e uma inspiração para quem deseja lutar por suas crenças.
Já foi ferido por suas fé? Após a leitura inspiradora da história Irmão Yun, acredito que alguns de nós não se importa e pode realmente ansioso para defender a nossa Salvação. "Embora nós nunca iremos enfrentar a perseguição, como Irmão Yun foi obrigado a suportar, sempre há julgamento e tribulações dentro de nossa própria vida, testando nossa caminhada com Deus. Este incrível livro dá-nos a todos um olhar renovado para o poder e capacidade de Deus, e devemos lembrar que não importa quão grande ou pequeno nossas provações serão, com Deus ao nosso lado, nós nunca iremos falhar em promover o seu reino.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Back To Jerusalem movement
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Back To Jerusalem movement (Chinese:传回耶路撒冷运动) is a Christian evangelistic campaign begun in China by Chinese believers to send missionaries to all of the Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim peoples who live "between" China and Jerusalem.[1] They believe that the Back to Jerusalem Movement is a call from God for the Chinese church to preach the gospel and establish fellowships of believers in all countries, cities, towns, and ethnic groups between China and Jerusalem.[2] In western Christianity, Jerusalem and China are located in an area called the 10/40 window, which is the least evangelized area in the world by Christianity. This movement was founded during the 1920s, however government restrictions and persecution forced the movement to go underground for decades.
Since 2003, the most vocal international proponent of "Back to Jerusalem" has been the exiled Chinese house church leader Liu Zhenying a.k.a. "(Brother Yun)". But many Christian leaders in China, such as Samuel Lambhave distanced themselves from Yun and his foreign-funded movement. Yun intended for "Back to Jerusalem" to evangelize fifty-one countries by sending a minimum of 100,000 missionaries along the Silk Road, an ancient trade route that winds from China to the Mediterranean Sea.[1] But, according to Tony Lambert, the numbers claimed by outsiders such as Yun are not substantiated, and the main work of ongoing evangelism, both to Muslims in China and beyond its borders is being done anonymously by house church members in China who make no appeals for money.[3]
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THE HEAVENLY MANThe Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yunby Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway This is the story of how God took a young, half-starved boy from a poor village in Henan Province and used him mightily to preach the gospel despite intense persecution. The book challenges any complacency about the situation in China, where persecution is still a daily reality for millions. Instead of focusing on the many miracles or experiences of suffering, however, Yun prefers to emphasize the character and beauty of Jesus. This astonishing book will form a watershed in your spiritual life. The Heavenly Man was voted 'Book of the Year' by the UK Christian Booksellers Convention.Endorsements:"You may begin reading the book "The Heavenly Man" on your sofa, but you will finish it on your knees. This is what happened to me. Any one reading these pages will not remain the same. Brother Yun's testimony wakes and shakes us up. This is the message: In the fiercest persecution God's people, filled with the Holy Spirit, are invincible! They out live and out die the enemies of God and fill the world with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are condemned to Victory! This is not only true for China, but also for the rest of the world." - Reinhard Bonnke - German EvangelistWe accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage.Published by Monarch, 352 pagesPrice: US$18 ($13 + $5 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
Note: The Heavenly Man has been translated into many non-English languages. Click here if you would like contact information about how to obtain this book in a language other than English. To complete your transactions & Check Out, click here
THE HEAVENLY MAN AUDIO CD SETThe Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun on Audio CDsby Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway The Heavenly Man book is now available in audio form, professionally read on to a set of CDs. Listen to this dramatic biography while you are driving, or relaxing at home.We accept orders for this CD set from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage.Price: US$20 ($17 + $3 postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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FIRE & BLOOD, VOL.2:Henan: The Galilee of Chinaby Paul HattawayHenan, with 100 million people, is the most populated province in China. It also contains the most Christians, and has been at the heart of the mighty revival sweeping China the last 30 years. Some believers from Henan have dubbed their province, ‘The Galilee of China’ - Galilee being the place where Jesus’ disciples came from. Most of China’s largest house church networks and many of its most effective church leaders have come from Henan.
Henan: The Galilee of China tells the inside story of how God has moved with mighty grace and power in Henan. Much of the book is first-hand testimony from dozens of Chinese Christians, telling how millions of people have entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ, despite a government committed to obliterate Christianity. This growth has come at great cost, however. Thousands of Christians in Henan have been imprisoned, tortured, and have suffered greatly in their battle to see the light of Jesus shine in their key part of China. Click here to read a review by Professor Sarah H. Lu, a Chinese Christian scholar. Endorsements: “Paul Hattaway has written an amazingly detailed history of Christianity in the Chinese province of Henan... He writes in a very easy to read style. I was hooked! Every aspect of church life is treated fairly and with accuracy... This book is mind blowing, and the more people who can be persuaded to read it, the more we will understand the explosion of Faith that the Holy Spirit is bringing to China. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.” - Mary Bartholomew, The Good Book Stall “Like the apostle Luke, the author of this book is a faithful servant called by the Lord. This God-fearing man is a devout prayer warrior who studies the Bible carefully and walks in the ways of the Lord.... I strongly believe this book is not only a gift to the people of China, but will inspire Christians of this generation to obey God’s call so that the Great Commission might be complete." - Brother Yun, ‘The Heavenly Man’ We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Piquant, 2009. 356 pages, 162 pictures.Price: US$26 ($22 + $4 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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LIVING WATERby Brother Yun (edited by Paul Hattaway)The companion to the bestselling The Heavenly Man, Living Water shares the vision of Brother Yun, one of China's most dedicated, courageous and intensely persecuted house church leaders. Brother Yun’s dramatic life story and teachings offer a message that inspires and challenges Christians to live out a passionate commitment to serve Jesus Christ. Living Water is a compelling saga of Brother Yun’s sacrifice to bring Jesus and the Bible to non-believers. Through his dynamic teachings, Brother Yun shares a message of radical trust and authentic Christian discipleship to churches around the world. Using the message of the Bible and interweaving it with stories of life-changing faith, Living Water distils the wisdom of this courageous Christian man who suffered intense persecution for his beliefs. Brother Yun challenges Christians to go deeper in their faith, and become bold in their witness for Christ. He shows how God can make you as bold as a lion, and bring your days as a timid Christian to an end. The book of Acts continues today in the lives of courageous believers like Brother Yun. An inspirational challenge to deeper discipleship, Living Water offers moving stories of struggles and victories, miracles of grace and mountains moved. Endorsements: “Living Water will brace you and invigorate you as few other Christian books have. It will change your life.” – David Aikman: Journalist and author of “Jesus in Beijing” “Brother Yun is fervent and fiery for Jesus. I’m sure that he will be among the Lord’s anointed of the next generation, who build the kingdom of God in the toughest places on earth. I appreciate and honor this servant of God.” – Reinhard Bonnke: German evangelist and founder of Christ for All Nations. We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Zondervan, 320 pagesPrice: US$18 ($14 + $4 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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LIVING WATER AUDIO CD SETLiving Water also comes on a set of seven audio CDs. Now you can listen to these inspirational teachings anywhere. We accept orders for the Living Water audio CDs from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage.Price: US$19 ($15 + $4 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this CD Set click here |
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PROJECT PEARLThe 1-Million Smuggled Bibles that Changed Chinaby Brother David with Paul HattawayOn 18 June 1981, a huge barge containing one million Chinese Bibles slipped through Communist border patrols and anchored off a beach in south China. Two hours later its precious cargo had been successfully delivered into the hands of Chinese Christians who had been starved of access to God’s Word since the 1950s. Project Pearl is the remarkable story of this bold and courageous project, which was led by Brother David. Along with 19 crew members, he was willing to risk his life to bring the Word of God to the hungry Chinese. Time magazine described Project Pearl as “A remarkable mission…the largest operation of its kind in the history of China.” A quarter of a century later reports are still being received from China of the tremendous impact those Bibles had on entire communities. Chinese Christians consider Project Pearl a pivotal point in their history, and a key event which contributed greatly to the mighty revival presently sweeping the world’s most populous nation. Endorsements: “Project Pearl is the story of an impossible mission made possible through an ordinary man filled with the heart and power of Jesus. Brother David is a warrior who wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak. Yet it also tells of the man I have known for decades who was gentle, kind and used the weapons of faith and prayer and wisdom to bring about a miracle for the sake of his beloved China and his wonderful Savior.” – Jackie Pullinger: Pastor and author of “Chasing the Dragon” “I consider it a rare privilege to have been considered a true friend by this saintly brother. To me, he has always been ‘closer than a brother’ …. Overall, there is no other Christian I can recall in the four decades of my own Christian life who has so consistently exhibited such an absolutely Christ-like attitude towards life and towards other Christians; even his adversaries…. Quite simply, he is the most remarkable Christian missionary I have ever met.” – David Aikman: Journalist and author of “Jesus in Beijing” We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Monarch, 320 pagesPrice: US$17 ($13 + $4 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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CHINA'S CHRISTIAN MARTYRSby Paul HattawayLast year we announced the release of a new book, "China's Book of Martyrs," which was the first volume of the Fire and Blood series of books on the Church in China. Now we would like to announce a follow up book, "China's Christian Martyrs." Here are the differences between the two: The first book, which has a white cover and was published by Piquant, is large and exhaustive. It profiles more than 1,000 martyrs and has 540 pictures, more than 2,000 notes and sources, and extensive bibliographies and indexes. This book, China's Christian Martyrs, is smaller in size and is published by Monarch. It is the "popular" version of the larger book. That means it was written in a less formal style, all notes and end-matters have been removed, and it contains about 500 profiles and 195 pictures. An estimated 250,000 Christians have died in China for their faith since the Gospel was first introduced in the seventh century. Since 1900, more Christians have been killed in China than in all other countries of the world combined. They include some well-known names, such as John & Betty Stam, Eric Liddell (whose life was celebrated in the film Chariots of Fire), and Watchman Nee. But the great majority of China's martyrs have been unsung heroes of the faith: simple men and women, boys and girls who when tested "did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." (Revelation 12:10-11). Endorsement: "China's Christian Martyrs carefully and masterfully details an anthology of China's martyrs from the first recorded arrival of missionaries in AD 635. You will be sobered, saddened and perhaps even angered at times... And you will celebrate as you read of the relentless courage to stand for Jesus in the face of imprisonment, torture and death." - Tom White, the Executive Director of The Voice of the Martyrs USA We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Monarch, 496 pagesPrice: US$21 ($17 + $4 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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FIRE & BLOOD, VOL.1:CHINA'S BOOK OF MARTYRSby Paul HattawayThe first volume in the Fire & Blood series tells the story of all who have been martyred in China for their faith in Christ. From the Tibetan Christian who was bound and sewn into a wet yak skin and left in the sun to be squeezed to death as the skin tightened; to the Uygur Christians in northwest China who were told by the Muslim Emir, "It is my duty, according to our law, to put you to death because by your preaching you have destroyed our faith," this book contains accounts of both the best and worst of human nature. China's Book of Martyrs is a large and comprehensive book. Each of its 656 pages is packed with inspirational testimonies of how God's people chose the eternal rewards of the kingdom of God over this world. Those who have read preview copies of the book have reported being moved to tears and greatly encouraged in their own walk with Jesus Christ. China's Book of Martyrs draws from years of extensive research, and contains approximately 550 pictures. Our desire is that the book will glorify God, inspire those who read it, and challenge believers to a deeper and more radical walk with Jesus Christ. Endorsements: "Paul Hattaway was stirred by the Holy Spirit to record the testimonies of hundreds of Christian martyrs since the Gospel first reached China. My nation is experiencing a rich harvest that has grown from soil watered by the tears and blood of the martyrs. I strongly believe this book is not only a gift to the people of China, but will inspire Christians of this generation to obey God's call so that the Great Commission might be completed." - Brother Yun, 'The Heavenly Man' "As you read China's Book of Martyrs you will meet hundreds of brothers and sisters who laid down their lives for the kingdom of God. It will change your life! Paul Hattaway is the most dedicated and skillful researcher on the Church in China today. I am delighted to recommend his work to you."- Brother David, author of 'God's Smuggler to China' We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Piquant, 656 pagesPrice: US$31 ($27 + $4 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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BACK TO JERUSALEMCalled to Complete the Great Commissionby Three Chinese Church Leaders with Paul HattawayNapoleon once said: "When China is moved it will change the face of the globe." Today those words are becoming a reality through the powerful spiritual vision of the Chinese church to send 100,000 missionaries across China's borders to complete the Great Commission, even in this generation. Here three Chinese Christians, who together have spent more than 30 years in prison for the Gospel, explain the history and present-day reality of the Back to Jerusalem movement. Endorsement: "Who could ever have believed that after 50 years of Communism and terrible persecution, the church in China would have grown so mightily that China might become one of the foremost missionary-sending countries in the 21st century? This remarkable book shows this vision in our day" - Patrick Johnstone: author of 'Operation World' Click here to read a review by Howard Brandt of SIM International. We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Piquant, 178 pagesPrice: US$17 ($13 + $4 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
Note: Back to Jerusalem has been translated into many non-English languages. Click here if you would like contact information about how to obtain this book in a language other than English.To complete your transactions & Check Out, click here
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YUNThe Illustrated Story Of 'The Heavenly Man'Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway Since The Heavenly Man was first published in 2002 it has impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, been translated into more than 30 languages, helping many people come to faith in Christ. Now, we are pleased to announce the release of YUN: The Illustrated Story of The Heavenly Man. YUN was produced in comic book form in an attempt to reach out to young people with this dramatic story of God's grace and love. Our prayer is that unbelievers might be led to repentance and faith in Christ after reading YUN, while Christians would be strengthened and encouraged in their walk with God. Click here to view a sample page from the book. We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Monarch, 126 pagesPrice: US$17 ($14 + $3 postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book, click here |
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FROM HEAD-HUNTERS TO CHURCH PLANTERSAn Amazing Spiritual Awakening in Nagalandby Paul HattawayOne of the greatest spiritual revivals in history happened in a remote corner of northeast India from the 1950s to 1970s, when more than one million Naga people came to Christ. For centuries the Nagas were head-hunters and lived bound by dark demonic powers. Paul Hattaway is a frequent visitor to Nagaland. He interviewed numerous eyewitnesses to the revivals, documenting how it came about, the opposition and brutal persecution that followed, and the astonishing miracles that accompanied it. This book will not fail to inspire you in your own walk with the Lord. It will give you a rich insight into God's love and power for the downtrodden. It will make a great gift for you or your Christian friends. Endorsement: "Today, almost one million Christians live joyful lives in Nagaland. We have been conquered by God's overwhelming grace and love. Many individual lives have been transformed by the revivals, and there has been greater lay participation in the church's total ministry as many discovered their calling from God. I recommend From Head-hunters to Church Planters as an accurate and incisive account of what God has done among the Nagas. May God be glorified through this book, and may your own heart be revived as you read the wonderful things that God has done in Nagaland!" -Gwayhunlo Khing: Naga pastor and mission leader We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Piquant, 144 pagesPrice: US$13 ($10 + $3 postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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OPERATION CHINAIntroducing all the Peoples of Chinaby Paul HattawayOperation China is the ground-breaking book that forever changed the way Christians look at China. It profiles almost 500 distinct tribes and people groups in China. The result of over 100 trips to China, Hattaway has documented hundreds of fascinating groups that were previously unknown to the outside world. More than 700 superb color photographs are scattered throughout. Each group is assigned a date, so that the reader can pray for one or two groups per day throughout a year. Endorsements: "The most significant new contribution to missions research in twenty years." - Dr. David Barrett: Director of the Global Evangelization Movement and author of the 'World Christian Encyclopedia' "The China book of the decade!" - OMF International
We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Piquant, 750 pages - all in colorSpecial Price: US$24 ($19 + $5 Postage)(normal retail price is $36) To purchase the Operation China book online select below... | |
OPERATION CHINACD-ROM The Operation China CD-ROM contains over 700 beautiful, full-color photos, and complete profiles of 490 people groups of China. This resource is produced by Global Mapping International in a user-friendly PDF format. Text, graphs, maps and photos may be copied and pasted for customized, non-profit presentations. Compatible with both Windows and Mac. Able to be installed to your hard drive. Each CD-ROM is packaged in an attractive, durable DVD-style case showcasing the beautiful cover art. We accept orders for this CD-ROM from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Price for CD: US$22 (Post Paid)To purchase the Operation China CD-ROM online select below... |
| STORIES FROM CHINAFried Rice for the Soulby Luke WesleyDrawing on his experiences as a missionary in China, Luke Wesley shares his experiences through a series of stories, prayers and songs. Through them we learn about the Church in China: both its struggles and its remarkable victories. Wesley gives a glimpse of what life in China is like for the millions of Chinese Christians with these stories of extraordinary people doing extraordinary things, inspired by their love of God. Stories from China will move you to make the most of every opportunity as you share in the lives of those you'd never otherwise have the opportunity to meet. Endorsement: "I was deeply moved. I hope that everyone who desires to help the Chinese Church, whether living overseas or serving in China, might have a chance to read this book." - Brother Yun, author of The Heavenly Man. PLEASE NOTE this book is only available to the United Statesand Canada. People living in other countries should contact their local Christian bookstore and ask about availability. Published by Authentic, 156 pagesPrice: US$19 ($16 + $3 Postage)To complete your transactions & Check Out, click here | |
THE SHAPING OF MODERN CHINAHudson Taylor's Life and Legacyby A.J. Broomhall (2 volumes)One hundred years after the death of the great China missionary Hudson Taylor, this extraordinary work will whet the appetites and bless the hearts of those who love China. This two volume set, totalling 1,700 pages, chronicles the rise of Christianity in China throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The author, AJ Broomhall, is a great-nephew of Taylor. The Shaping of Modern China chronicles the victories, struggles and persecutions as Taylor and many other early Gospel pioneers struggled to establish Christianity in the world's most populous nation. The present revival that has impacted China owes much to the godly example and perseverance of Hudson Taylor. Don't miss this opportunity to obtain the 2-volume set, which is sure to take pride of place on your bookshelf for years to come. Due to the weight and size of these two books, we can only accept orders from addresses in the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom, where we have the books stocked. For people living in other countries, please contact your local Christian bookstore and ask about availability. Published by Piquant, 1,700 pages total in two volumesPrice: US$54 ($49 + $5 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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PEOPLES OF THE BUDDHIST WORLDA Christian Prayer Guideby Paul HattawayIn recent decades, Christians around the world have launched initiatives to reach Muslims, Communists, Hindus, and other major unreached people blocks, but the Buddhist world has largely been overlooked. Hundreds of millions of Buddhists continue to live and die without any exposure to the Gospel. In Peoples of the Buddhist World, researcher and author Paul Hattaway profiles almost 250 Buddhist people groups throughout the world, illustrated with 467 superb full-color photographs. In addition, various experts have contributed 13 articles on various aspects of Buddhism to help readers pray more effectively. This book is sure to become a missions classic! We accept orders for this book from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Published by Piquant, 480 pagesPrice: US$26 ($21 + $5 Postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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PEOPLES OF THE BUDDHIST WORLDCD-ROM The Peoples of the Buddhist World CD-ROM contains hundreds of beautiful, full-color photos, and complete profiles of 238 Buddhist people groups, twelve articles on ministry to Buddhists, and hypertext cross-reference indexes of names, languages and countries. This resource, produced by Global Mapping International, is enhanced with 38 brand-new maps of the Buddhist world, hyperlinked to the corresponding people profiles in a user-friendly PDF format. Text, graphs, maps and photos may be copied and pasted for customized, non-profit presentations. Compatible with both Windows and Mac. Able to be installed to your hard drive. Each CD-ROM is packaged in an attractive, durable DVD-style case showcasing the beautiful cover art. We accept orders for this CD ROM from anywhere in the world. Our price includes postage. Price: US$22 ($18 + $4 Postage)To purchase the Buddhist World CD-ROM online select below...For bulk/large quantity orders of this product click here | | |
PEOPLES ON THE MOVEIntroducing the Nomads of the Worldby David J. PhillipsNOMADS - they inhabit every continent yet have 'no abiding city'. Always on the move, they are often 'invisible', unreached, despised & easily forgotten by settled citizens. This is the most comprehensive source of information on all the nomadic peoples of the world, regionally organized with numerous photographs, maps and people profiles to help you pray. Endorsements: "Peoples on the Move will be invaluable to those wishing to pray in a more informed way... And for those embarking on service over seas with Peoples on the Move there should no longer be the impossible task of trying to obtain background information, it is all ready and waiting to be use." - John Horton: Tearfund Regional Manager, Eastern and Southern Africa "This unique and timely book, like an oasis in a desert, provides much needed resources in an attractive and accessible format to help us remedy that great omission." - Dr Chris Wright: former Principle, All Nations Christian College Due to the weight and size of this book, we can only accept orders from addresses in the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom, where we have the books stocked. For people living in other countries, please contact your local Christian bookstore and ask about availability. Published by Piquant, 480 pagesPrice: US$28 ($25 + $3 postage)For bulk/large quantity orders of this book click here |
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